Who do we look up to?
9 successful annual reports
Can we have examples of successful annual reports? One of the most popular questions we face.
The main answer is that there is no perfect report, as each of us has different requirements and principles.
Nevertheless, we have made a selection of reports that we can look up to from a fundraising point of view.
  • 1
    "Iskorka Fund (Chelyabinsk). Information about how donor funds work is published at the beginning of the report. The mission and values of the organization are described. There are reviews of beneficiaries, dynamics of funds receipt by different sources and channels, achievements for 5 years. View the report. View the report.
  • 2
    "Helping Hand for Homeless Animals" (Penza). The first thing we want to note is the photos of the beneficiaries, the report flips through like an album and immediately gives the reader the first emotions. What is surprising - the fund highlighted the plans that did not come true, because they rarely write about it. They revealed a number of activities through the employees who work in it. Expenses were shown together with the description of program activities. We have reflected the dynamics of donations, and the data for 2021 were described for each source and channel. What we are taking for ourselves is feedback from supporters. View the report.
  • 3
    "Change One Life" (Moscow). The report is revealed as a classic proposal for business: from problem to solution. Concrete figures, indicators, nothing superfluous. The principles, team, board of trustees, friends of the foundation are disclosed. Examples of collaboration with companies are presented. Immediately describes options for how an individual can help. View the report.
  • 4
    "WWF Russia. Each program is described according to the structure - task and result, several figures are shown with descriptions that show social changes. The report gives full detailed financial information. The organization included a description of the structure with Board, Trustees, Supervisory Board. And also showed visual geography of presence. View the report.
  • 5
    Vail Valley Foundation. To build trust in the organization, the annual report includes quotes from donors, volunteers. A detailed description of the financials and costs of all programs is provided. The beginning of the report is immediately engaging: a short video about the year's changes. The organization has connected navigation by sections - how to read the report through Q&A. Programs and donor outreach are revealed through nominations. The main emphasis is on the fact that all the changes happened thanks to like-minded people, the community. Interesting approach to the format of the annual report - it is better to look at it once and walk through the labyrinth. View the report.
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    "Girls Who Code. Every year, Girls Who Code creates an annual report with gorgeous animation and special touches to grab the attention of supporters. When you watch it, the annual report engages you in a kind of game. Things to look out for: business partner testimonials, partner rotation by donation amounts. Projects with media are revealed through visuals and keywords, as well as vision and plans clearly laid out for 2022. View the report.
  • 7
    Lifewater. In their annual report, Lifewater not only looks back and analyzes the previous year, but also looks to the future. The letter from the CEO lists goals and what the organization has accomplished. This approach - communicating information concisely and clearly - immediately engages the donor. The center line of the report is impact (change). View the report.
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    CURE International.An example of a great overview on one page of an annual report. The pandemic and crisis faced by the organization they managed to show as a strength, revealing how difficulties made NPOs stronger. View the report.
  • 9
    NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council. Interesting approach to the structure of the report. Two main parts: for those who support us and highlights. The "For those who support us" section has 6 subsections: a word from the leader, a word from the President and founder, a word from the donor, thank you to supporters, financials, and key ways to help. In other words, the supporter is immediately asked to choose the subsection that interests him or her more. If one is interested in what happened in program activities, one can click on one of the programs. The annual report is completely supporter-oriented, the client's journey is laid out. View the report.